Monday, January 11, 2010


We like to focus on ourselves, nice homes, cars, clothes, food and fun. I know i do, i mean i like food, nice clothes and fun, who doesn't? Is there anything wrong with that? It depends! GOD sent the prophet Haggai to warn the people against building fancy houses and always wanting more at the expense of His house 'remaining in ruins'. Haggai 1:4 says "Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while This house remains a ruin?" Haggai 1:6 talks about planting much but harvesting little, eating but not getting full, you never have enough drink and your wages fall through the holes in your purse! Let me spell this out for you...GOD says if you focus on yourself at my expense your efforts will never be enough! What little bit our effort provides GOD will blow away.(HAG1:9) You will be left wanting more! While our efforts seem to be focused on pleasing ourselves GOD wants us to focus on Honoring and pleasing Him. GOD says if you will build my house so that i may take pleasure in it and be Honored then i will provide enthusiasm(HAG 1:14),give you strength(HAG 2:4), remove fear(HAG 2:5), provide resources(HAG 2:8), his presence and peace will be granted(HAG 2:9), and prosperity(HAG 2:19). When we're obedient to GOD and our priorities are focused on HIM that will leed to His presence, peace and prosperity! I want some of that!